Thursday, August 17, 2006

The joy of being a dad

One of the joys of being a dad is playing with my boys. We rassle. We dance and sing to the Wiggles. If you don't know the Wiggles, you're not 3 years old. We cry when we're short on sleep and food. Oh yeah, I'll cry.

But, one of our great activites is running. We play chase around the dining room table and upstairs in the boys rooms. Upstairs this has transformed into running and jumping on Drew's old crib mattress. Isaac will yell "go". That's his role. Drew will take off from his room into Isaac's. Then I come trailing after. Drew jumps once and then twice on his mattress before doing it all over again. And again. And again.

Daddy gets tired of the same ol', same ol', so I've been changing up the routine. My newest fun is trying to time my jump. If I time it perfectly I can essentially catapult Drew through the air on his second jump. After a couple of minor boosts in his vertical I hit one just perfect. Drew took off like a rocket. After 1, 2, no 3 flips he ended up horizontally heading towards the ground with face first. Daddy didn't catch him and he hit his nose and mouth. There was crying. There was kissing his owies. And then there was more of the same. It's great being a dad!!

I think there is a spiritual analogy in there somewhere. We play Drew and try our best. God comes behind us and adds MUCH to our limited efforts. Perhaps, at times, we do not expect him to come through in such a big way even though we invite him to play with us!!! And we land on our faces because we didn't really think prayer would actually work - that God would really answer.



  1. Yay for Cor being an excited dad!

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